Michael Chugani 褚簡寧 - A bucket list|又中又英

It's been nine months since I left Hong Kong to return to the US. During that time I have visited many cities, most of which I have visited before. There is one city I have never been to but would really like to visit. That city is New Orleans in the state of Louisiana, which is in the southern part of the US. Louisiana was colonized by France in the 1700s. France then ceded it to Spain. New Orleans is on my bucket list. A bucket list, as I have explained before, is a list of things people want to do during their lifetime, or before they die. New Orleans is world-famous for its Creole cuisine, bars, restaurants, and its yearly carnival known as Mardi Gras.

Bourbon Street in the French Quarter of New Orleans is famous for its nightlife and historic low-rise buildings of French and Spanish architecture. Friends have told me New Orleans is a fun city, especially during Mardi Gras. That's why it's on my bucket list. Creole cuisine, which originated in Louisiana during colonial times, is a style of cooking that blends French, Spanish, West African, and native American influences. A famous Creole dish is jambalaya, which is usually made with sausage meat, chicken or pork, shrimps or other seafood, onions, celery, and green bell peppers. These ingredients are quickly fried, after which rice, seasonings and broth are added. All the ingredients are cooked together until the rice is done.

Another famous Louisiana dish is gumbo, a stew made with sausage meat, chicken or seafood, onions, celery, green bell pepper, tomatoes, and seasonings. Okra is added to thicken the stew. It is usually eaten with rice. The French Quarter is the oldest district in New Orleans. It is famous for its bars, nightlife, and historic architecture. Mardi Gras, a French word, is a celebration which lasts for about two weeks in New Orleans. Mardi Gras is celebrated with parades, street carnivals, and dancing. It takes place every year around Easter time.

自我離開香港回到美國以來,已經過了九個月了。在這段期間,我走訪了許多城市,大部份都是以前曾經去過的。有一個城市是我從未去過而很想一遊的,那就是美國南部路易斯安那州的新奧爾良。路易斯安那州於一七○○年代受法國殖民統治,後來法國又將之割讓予西班牙。新奧爾良就在我的bucket list之上——正如我之前解釋過,a bucket list就是人在有生之年又或死前想做的事的清單。新奧爾良以其克里奧爾(Creole)菜、酒吧、餐廳,以及一年一度的 Mardi Gras狂歡節,聞名於世。

新奧爾良法國區(French Quarter)的波旁街,其夜生活以至其低層法式與西班牙式歷史建築同樣非常著名。朋友們告訴我,新奧爾良是個很有趣的城市,尤其在Mardi Gras狂歡節期間。因此它總在我的願望清單(bucket list)之上。Creole菜起源於殖民時期的路易斯安那州,是糅合了法國、西班牙、西非及美國原住民文化影響的一道菜式。其中一道知名的克里奧爾(Creole)菜就是雜錦菜 jambalaya,通常以香腸肉、雞或豬肉、蝦或其他海鮮、洋蔥、西芹和青燈籠椒煮成。這些食材會先快炒,然後加入米飯、調味以及高湯,全部材料會在鍋中一起烹煮,直至米飯熟透。

另一個知名的路易斯安那菜是秋葵濃湯gumbo,是用香腸肉、雞或海鮮、洋蔥、西芹、青燈籠椒、番茄和調味料煮成的燉菜,再加上秋葵,令燉菜更濃稠。它通常是拌飯吃的。 The French Quarter是新奧爾良最古舊的法國區,它最出名的是酒吧、夜生活及歷史建築。 Mardi Gras是法語,是在新奧爾良長達兩周的慶祝節日,這個狂歡節(Mardi Gras)會以巡遊、街道嘉年華與舞蹈大事慶祝,每年約在復活節前舉行。[email protected]
Michael Chugani 褚簡寧